Trainer Pipeline Framework

How to install Kubeflow Trainer control plane

This guide describes Trainer Pipeline Framework core concepts, including the startup phase, pre-execution phase, build phase, and post-execution phase for user.


The Kubeflow Trainer Pipeline Framework is designed as an internal mechanism that allows for flexible expansion and integration of various Runtimes and TrainJobs in the Kubeflow ecosystem. The framework provides a streamlined approach for building, managing, and executing the training lifecycle on Kubernetes. It consists of four distinct phases: Startup Phase, PreExecution Phase, Build Phase, and PostExecution Phase. Each phase has specific actions that help automate and optimize the training process.

Trainer Pipeline Framework Overview

Core Concepts


The Kubeflow TrainerPipelineFramework follows a structured, step-by-step execution flow. Each phase represents a logical part of the workflow:

  • Startup Phase: Executes once during the initialization of the kubeflow-trainer-controller-manager. This phase sets up necessary internal components.
  • PreExecution Phase: Triggered when a TrainJob is created or updated. This phase validates and prepares the job for execution.
  • Build Phase: Builds and deploys the required Kubernetes resources for training jobs.
  • PostExecution Phase: Runs after the job has been built and executed, checking the status and applying relevant conditions to the job.

APIs and Extension Points

In each phase, there are two types of components:

  1. Internal APIs: These APIs are used internally by the framework and cannot be extended or modified by the user.
  2. Extension Points: These points are exposed to the user and allow for customization through plugins that can be added to the framework.

Kubeflow Trainer Pipeline Framework

Phases Explained

1. Startup Phase

Purpose: Initialize the TrainerPipelineFramework and set up necessary components for managing training jobs.

  • Internal APIs:

    • Initialize Kubeflow TrainerFrameworkPipeline: Sets up the entire Kubeflow TrainerPipelineFramework.
    • TrainJobController: Configures the TrainJob controller and registers it with the Manager.
    • Built-in Webhook Servers: Initializes Admission Webhook Servers that handle job creation and updates.
    • Start Manager: Starts the main management process.
  • Extension Point:

    • WatchExtension: Registers custom reconciler builders that watch specific resources and trigger TrainJob reconciliations as necessary.

2. PreExecution Phase

Purpose: Triggered when a TrainJob is created or updated, this phase validates the job and prepares it for execution.

  • Extension Point:
    • CustomValidation: Registers custom validation logic to validate resources before a TrainJob is executed. This can include checking specific fields or configurations before proceeding.

3. Build Phase

Purpose: In this phase, the required Kubernetes resources are built and deployed to the cluster for execution.

  • Internal API:

    • ComponentDeployer: Deploys the built components (Kubernetes resources) to the cluster as part of the reconciliation process.
  • Extension Points:

    • EnforcePodGroupPolicy: Configures pod-specific parameters, such as those specified in the TrainingRuntime.spec.podGroupPolicy, for any relevant resources (like PodSpecs).
    • EnforceMLPolicy: Configures Machine Learning-specific parameters from the TrainingRuntime.spec.mlPolicy to adjust the deployment of training resources.
    • ComponentBuilder: Builds Kubernetes resources using the RuntimeInfo and TrainJob objects, allowing for a dynamic, runtime-specific deployment configuration.

4. PostExecution Phase

Purpose: After the training job has been executed, the framework checks the state of the job and applies terminal conditions if necessary.

  • Internal APIs:

    • SuspendedCondition: Checks if the TrainJob is in a suspended state and adds the Suspended condition.
    • CreatedCondition: Verifies if the TrainJob has been created successfully and applies the Created condition.
  • Extension Point:

    • TerminalCondition: Checks whether the TrainJob has terminated. If so, it applies the Complete condition and propagates any terminal reason or message from the child jobs to the TrainJob.


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